Create a Living Will
This is an important legal document. A living will directs the medical treatment you are to receive in the event you are in a terminal condition and are unable to participate in your own medical decisions. This living will may state what kind of treatment you want or do not want to receive.
Prepare this living will carefully. If you use this form, read it completely. You may want to seek professional help to make sure the form does what you intend and is completed without mistakes.
This living will remains valid and in effect until and unless you revoke it. Review this living will periodically to make sure it continues to reflect your wishes. You may amend or revoke this living will at any time by notifying your physician and other health care providers. You should give copies of this living will to your family, your physician,and your health care facility. This form is entirely optional. If you choose to use this form, please note that the form provides signature lines for you, the two witnesses whom you have selected, and a notary public.
Download fileThis information is based in South Dakota law and is designed to inform, not to advise. No person should ever apply or interpret any law without the aid of an attorney who knows the facts and may be aware of any changes in the law.

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